At night they come without being fetched, And by day
本文为您带来的谜语是At night they come without being fetched, And by day,文章中有具体关于At night they come without being fetched, And by day这个谜语题目的谜面和谜底。
今天要给大家分享的是英语谜语:At night they come without being fetched, And by day — 怎么样,想到谜语的答案了吗?让我们一起来揭晓At night they come without being fetched, And by day的答案吧!
At night they come without being fetched, And by day they are lost without being
· 有根不带沙,有叶不开花,有风随风去,无风停在家。 (打一植物