I come out of the earth, I am sold in the market. He


本文为您带来的谜语是I come out of the earth, I am sold in the market. He,文章中有具体关于I come out of the earth, I am sold in the market. He这个谜语题目的谜面和谜底。

今天要给大家分享的是英语谜语:I come out of the earth, I am sold in the market. He — 怎么样,想到谜语的答案了吗?让我们一起来揭晓I come out of the earth, I am sold in the market. He的答案吧!

I come out of the earth, I am sold in the market. He who buys me cuts my tail, Takes off my suit of silk, And weeps beside me when I am dead.onion


· 棺(打一成语)

· 六国之士复向咸阳(猜一人名)

· 聚散总是缘(猜一数学词语)

· 失其心也,猜一个字

· 一封朝奏九重天,夕贬潮阳路八千(打一成语)

· 叶落时节客人来 提示:新疆地名

· 一种饮料,由恶意和谎言加上微量事实配制而成的,能有效地削弱领

· 丝丝苦味 (猜中药名一)

· 带头哭 (打二字语文名词)

· 四张嘴,有头有尾;四张嘴,有头没尾;四张嘴,没头有尾;四张嘴

标签: 英语谜语