What is it that leaps and runs and has no feet?


本文为您带来的谜语是What is it that leaps and runs and has no feet?,文章中有具体关于What is it that leaps and runs and has no feet?这个谜语题目的谜面和谜底。

今天要给大家分享的是英语谜语:What is it that leaps and runs and has no feet? — 怎么样,想到谜语的答案了吗?让我们一起来揭晓What is it that leaps and runs and has no feet?的答案吧!

What is it that leaps and runs and has no feet?ball


· 今日双方天撮成 (打一现代作家)

· 扎根不与菊为双,娇艳瑰丽放异香,唤作拒霜不相称,看来

· 半点也没有(打一字)

· 谜语:三点一四圆周率(打一字谜)

· 毁容(打一成语)

· 一只毛毛虫,过一条没桥的河,它怎么过去?

· 炎黄子孙,生生不息。 (打一种扑克游戏)

· 上山住过,火里烧过,只怕水过。 (打一物)

· 重山倒映,月影随行(打一字)

· 谜语:为人要心口如一(打一字谜)

标签: 英语谜语

