A man jumped from a plane,but there was nothing wron


本文为您带来的谜语是A man jumped from a plane,but there was nothing wron,文章中有具体关于A man jumped from a plane,but there was nothing wron这个谜语题目的谜面和谜底。

今天要给大家分享的是英语谜语:A man jumped from a plane,but there was nothing wron — 怎么样,想到谜语的答案了吗?让我们一起来揭晓A man jumped from a plane,but there was nothing wron的答案吧!

A man jumped from a plane,but there was nothing wrong with him.Do you know why?Because the plane is on the ground.


· 牡丹畔边结良缘 (打四字电影)

· 团 打一自治区连地名

· 夜游宝鸡城 (打一成语)

· 会猜-打一花卉树木

· 东邻西舍常往来 (打一电信词语)

· 小时着黑衣,大时穿绿袍,水里过日子,岸上来睡觉(猜一

· 进水行不成(打一字)

· 小会 (打俗语四字)

· 实习烫发 (打二字教育名词)

· 眼里没有海

标签: 英语谜语

