What is it that is bought by the yard but worn by th


本文为您带来的谜语是What is it that is bought by the yard but worn by th,文章中有具体关于What is it that is bought by the yard but worn by th这个谜语题目的谜面和谜底。

今天要给大家分享的是英语谜语:What is it that is bought by the yard but worn by th — 怎么样,想到谜语的答案了吗?让我们一起来揭晓What is it that is bought by the yard but worn by th的答案吧!

What is it that is bought by the yard but worn by the foot?carpet


· 可喜可贺 (打一城市)

· 不舒服 (打成语一)

· 开窗放入大江来 提示:表格户籍用语

· 只学一家 (打一成语)

· 一只瓶子里装满了水,如果要使水从瓶中能最快地倒出来,最好采取

· 约掌谋破曹 (俗语五字)

· 谜语:古城墙头听蛙声(打一字谜)

· 天只地知我知 (打一福建地名)

· 众人拾柴火焰高(打一人名)

· 三八集体 (打字一)

标签: 英语谜语

